Inverter circuit diagram—TL494 inverter circuit

Circuit diagram of TL494 400W chip inverter

The capacity of the transformer is 400VA; the iron core is made of 45% silicon steel sheet with a cross-section of 60mm². The primary winding uses enameled wire with a diameter of 1.2mm; two wires are wound in parallel. The secondary sampling coil is wound with 36 turns of 0.41mm enameled wire with a tap in the middle. The secondary winding, based on a voltage of 230V, is wound with 400 turns of 0.8mm enameled wire. The VT4~VT6 switching tubes can be replaced with any 60V/30A N-channel MOS FET tube. VD7 can be used with conventional diodes from the 1N400X series. This circuit works almost without debugging. When the anode voltage of C9 is 12V, R1 can be selected between 3.6kΩ to 4.7kΩ or adjusted with a 10kΩ potentiometer to make the output voltage reach the rated value. If the output power of this inverter increases to nearly 600W, to avoid excessive primary current and increased resistance losses, it is recommended to switch the battery to 24V and use a high-current MOS FET tube with a VDS of 100V for the switching tube circuit.

Circuit diagram of TL494 400W chip inverter

It should be noted that using multiple tubes in parallel is better than using a single switching tube with an IDS greater than 50A. The reasons are: first, the price is higher, second, driving is too difficult. It is recommended to use 2SK564 100V/32A or three 2SK906 in parallel. At the same time, the transformer core cross-section needs to reach 50cm². Calculate the number of turns and wire diameter according to the calculation method of a conventional power transformer, or use a scrap UPS-600 transformer instead. If powering a refrigerator or electric fan, don't forget to add an LC low-pass filter. The 400W high-power adjustable inverter circuit includes TL494. Its excitation converter uses TL494, VT1, VT2, VD3, and VD4 to form a sink current control circuit to drive two 60V/30A MOS FET switching tubes in each of the two channels. If you need to increase the output power, 3 to 4 switching tubes can be used in parallel for each channel, and the circuit remains unchanged.
Related: Inverter diagram Op-Amps Circuits Simple

50HZ sine wave inverter circuit based on TL494

At the heart of this project lies the TL494 integrated circuit, renowned for its prowess in PWM control, commonly employed in power supplies and various switching applications. The TL494 boasts a comprehensive internal structure, comprising timing components, dead time controllers, error amplifiers, and a flip-flop, all crucial in shaping the output pulse characteristics.

Central to the circuit's operation are the timing components RT and CT, situated on pins 6 and 5, responsible for determining the oscillating frequency of the output pulses. Moreover, the dead time controller facilitates manual adjustment of the period between successive pulses, offering flexibility in pulse width modulation. The presence of two built-in error amplifiers enhances the circuit's utility by enabling external feedback, ultimately regulating the pulse width of the output.

50HZ sine wave inverter circuit based on TL494

50HZ sine wave inverter circuit based on TL494

A notable feature of the TL494 is its capacity for synchronization, a capability leveraged in this project through master-slave configuration. By synchronizing multiple TL494 ICs, the circuit achieves harmonized operation, essential for generating accurate waveforms. However, practical implementation revealed challenges in utilizing sawtooth waves for synchronization, necessitating alternative approaches such as employing square waves with varying duty cycles.

To address this, the circuit incorporates an LM358 dual operational amplifier IC, enabling the generation and manipulation of square waves. The first operational amplifier generates a square wave with a specified duty cycle, subsequently transformed into a sawtooth wave through filtering. Fine-tuning of the sawtooth wave is facilitated by a potentiometer, ensuring precise control over waveform characteristics. This sawtooth wave, crucial for synchronization, is then fed into the non-inverting input of the second operational amplifier, completing the circuit loop.

Despite initial setbacks, the utilization of square waves proved effective in achieving synchronization between TL494 ICs, paving the way for successful circuit operation. This adaptive approach underscores the ingenuity and problem-solving prowess inherent in electronic design.
Related: Make your own 12V to 220V Inverter

Homemade Generator - Ultimate Technology

🔹 Version from Nikola Tesla's "Magnifying Transmitter"
🔹 The "tension" for "electricity fractionation" to occur is the Earth's Potential Potential. To be precise, it is the tension of the Ether, and the electricity is the dynamic polarization of the Ether.
🔹 During "Electricity segment", the magnetic field collapses several times in short periods of time. That leads the voltage V = Φ/t to reach infinity (V  ) when t  0
  • V - The electromotive force which results from the production or consumption of the total magnetic induction Φ (Phi). The unit is the “Volt”. Where t is the time of magnetic field collapse from maximum to complete collapse.
  • Research scholars also call it Tesla's technology called Radiant Energy from Electronic Circuits, Impulse Technology.
Ultimate Energizer Guide

🔹 There are also many other plans to create free energy generators including Self Powered AC Generator.

Standard 220V 50HZ square wave inverter based on TL494

At its core, this inverter constitutes a high-voltage DC-to-AC H-bridge configuration, orchestrated by four MOSFETs arranged in an H-bridge topology. This arrangement facilitates the conversion of high-voltage DC inputs into AC outputs, catering to a plethora of applications requiring standardized AC power. Comprehensive details regarding the construction and operation of this module are outlined in accompanying resources, ensuring accessibility and clarity for enthusiasts and practitioners alike.

Central to the functionality of this module is the SG3525 control chip, instrumental in generating precise 50Hz control signals essential for the H-bridge operation. For initial testing and validation, a 12-volt battery pack serves as the power source, supplying both the module and the H-bridge inverter with requisite DC inputs. The oscilloscope reveals a seamless initiation, characterized by a soft start and the emergence of a square wave AC signal, marking the onset of functional validation.

Standard 220V 50HZ square wave inverter based on TL494

A cornerstone of this circuit lies in the utilization of the TL494 modified square wave generator, operating on a crystal oscillator basis. This pivotal component ensures the generation of accurate 50Hz square waves, endowed with adjustable dead time through a potentiometer. The integration of this module into the larger inverter framework heralds a new era of precision and reliability in AC waveform generation, underscoring the transformative potential of advanced electronic design.

Further enhancements are introduced through the incorporation of a breakout board, facilitating seamless interchangeability between the SG3525 and TL494 modules. This versatility empowers users to tailor the inverter's waveform characteristics to their specific requirements, offering unparalleled flexibility and adaptability in operation.

Upon completion of the assembly, meticulous testing ensues, aimed at validating the functionality and performance of the inverter module. Despite minor deviations in output voltage, swift adjustments using the feedback mechanism of the DC-to-DC converter rectify discrepancies, ensuring alignment with desired specifications.

Revealed At Last:

🔹 Version from Nikola Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter
🔹 The "tension" for "electricity fractionation" to occur is the Earth's Potential Potential. To be precise, it is the tension of the Ether, and the electricity is the dynamic polarization of the Ether.
🔹 During "Electricity segment", the magnetic field collapses several times in short periods of time. That leads the voltage V = Φ/t to reach infinity (V  ) when t  0
  • V - The electromotive force which results from the production or consumption of the total magnetic induction Φ (Phi). The unit is the “Volt”. Where t is the time of magnetic field collapse from maximum to complete collapse.
  • Research scholars also call it Tesla's technology called Radiant Energy from Electronic Circuits, Impulse Technology.
Ultimate Energizer Guide

🔹 There are also many other plans to create free energy generators including Self Powered AC Generator.


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