The Truth about Water

Water is life carrier. Water is an entity with its own consciousness which responds to human consciousness.Water is the result of the voidance of two unbalanced and opposed conditions caused by equalizing opposed pressures at static equators. Chemical formula of water is H12O6. Water drops are cellular when warmed above their freezing points, but below that point they become hexagonal crystals to reflect their positions in their cube wave. Water is created underground by activities of the radioactive elements. Only two things have ever be created: water as life carrier and fire as life consumer. There is now Dodeca water on our planet so that each person is allowed to perceive Dodeca water as his own creation - each person can perceive the Dodeca water within his own reality.

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583

1. Introduction

Science believes that water is made of hydrogen and oxygen and has measured its physical, chemical and electric characteristics. But science has long history of being wrong and the purpose of this paper is to reveal the truth about water not known in science. There is also much alternative research about water in last decades and many secrets about water have been understood, but still there is no full explanation how water is created on this planet, what is its purpose and what is our true connection with water.

Of all this research, I stand out University of Georgia and Dr. Masaru Emoto. At University of Georgia [1] has been discovered that every cell in human body that is diseased, or that is harmed in one way or another is surrounded by imbalanced (unstructured) water. Opposite to it, every healthy cell, no matter which cell it is, is always surrounded by balanced (structured) water.

Dr. Masaru Emoto [2] discovered that water reflects quality (degree of balance) of the wave fields that is exposed to. By exposing water to a particular word or piece of music, freezing it, and photographing the ice crystals formed, Dr. Emoto has shown that from beautiful words and music, come beautiful hexagonal crystals, and from mean-spirited, negative words, come malformed and misshapen crystals. He has gained worldwide acclaim through his groundbreaking research and discovery, that water is deeply connected to our individual and collective consciousness.

2. Literature Survey

In ancient times, there were five shapes, the five Platonic solids. Each one of these five Platonic solids had an element associated with them. There was the tetrahedron, the cube, the octahedron, the icosahedron, and the dodecahedron.

The tetrahedron was fire. The cube was the earth.The octahedron was air. The icosahedron was water. And the dodecahedron was prana, or ether.

The icosahedron and the dodecahedron are linked together. You can't talk about one without the other. They are what are called in mathematics the duals of each other. We can create one from the other (see Fig. 1bellow).
The Truth about Water
Figure 1: Dodecahedron into Icosahedron

The icosahedron, being water, was the aspect that this earth was missing since the time of Atlantis. The great work has been done around bringing back of the consciousness of water and prana together.

If we look at the DNA that which encodes our information, it is made up of only the icosahedron and the dodecahedron. That's all it is. It is water and prana put together.

The Christ grid that is around the earth, that the divine side has been working on for 13,000 years, so that we can move into the next consciousness, is made up of an icosahedron and a dodecahedron together: water and prana.

I’m so glad that there are free thinkers who are on the good track: “It is water that, in taking different forms, constitutes the earth, atmosphere, sky, mountains, God Aton’s and men, beasts and birds, grass and trees, and animals down to worms, flies and ants. All these are different forms of water. Meditate on water!"

Because science has long history of being wrong and because we know now that science is spiritual [3-27], I share gladly with you my imagination of water angel, see Fig. 2.

Figure 2: My imagination of water angel

Your second source of light is water. Water is able to receive very vast quantities of photonic energy from light. When you take water from recycled sewage, you are taking in dead water. When you expose water to nature cycles, to evaporation, to going up to the clouds, mixing with ozone and falling as rain, you oxygenate the water tremendously. You sterilize the water in nature cycles. Any farmer will tell you how much faster plants grow after a rain storm than they do from ground water irrigation. In the industrialized countries of the world, everybody is taking ground water from recycled sewage, or from lakes with low bio-oxidative potentials. Basically you are cooking, drinking and bathing in dead water. These are electron robbing substances. They require your body to process them to eliminate them. They are poisons and they burden the enzyme systems of your liver. Nature's cycle exposes water to light and air. Water was meant to give you life. When you drink it from a stream or as it falls down from the mountain or taken from an extremely deep well, those are waters that have healing properties that add energy to your body.

3. The Cycle of water 

There needs to be no mystery as to whether or not light is corpuscular or wave, for waves of motion which simulate the Light and darkness of space is all there IS. The light and motion of solid matter, and of gaseous matter of space, differs only in volume and condition. Water of Earth is compressed into small volume while water of the heavens is expanded thousands of times in volume. Each condition is the opposite half of the cycle of water. Is this beginning to make some logical sense to you? Water vapor is water turned inside-out. It again becomes water by turning outside-in. Expansion-contraction sequences result from this process.

ALL MATTER IS LIGHT! Water of the heavens still is water, and it still is light waves. No change whatsoever has taken place between the waters of Earth and those of the heavens except a change of its condition from positive to negative preponderance. This change is solely due to a change of its direction in respect to its center of gravity. Now don't go crazy here either, for "gravity" is going to have to come to your knowledge as not what you perceive it to be. It has to do with density and not magnetic pull or push. All dense cold matter, such as iron, stone, wood, and all growing or decaying things, are light. You do not think of them as light but all are waves of motion, and all waves of motion are light.

Please pay attention here: Light is all there is in the spiritual universe of knowing, and simulation of that Light in opposite extensions is all there is in the electric wave universe of sensing. The simulation of Light in matter is NOT Light. There is no "Light" in "matter".

Compression can never expand but expansion is born from compression. Conversely, expansion can never compress, but compression is born from expansion. They can interchange with their opposites with every pulse beat, and they do. Each opposite is born from the other. Each pulse beat brings each opposite nearer to voidance of each and complete interchange into the other. It becomes the other sequentially at the halfway point in its cycle, but it is still an opposite. Opposites oppose. They never perform any other office than to oppose. Opposition alone produces the idea of separateness in a universe of one inseparable thing.

The opposite of water is water vapor. Water is a compressed condition. It is of the Father-Light. Water vapor is the expanded condition of water. It is of the Mother-Light. They are two halves of one which never can be one. The MotherLight unfolds from the Father-Light. The Father-Light refolds the water vapor into water. Each have been born from the other. Each IS the other but they can never unite to become one. Moreover, from the water you will not get alcohol vapor - you will get water vapor. Nor will you get alcohol from pure water vapor - ever.

Opposites are not things; they are conditions of things. Just as heat and cold, or east and west, or inward or outward, or compression and expansion cannot unite to become one, so also, the opposite sexes cannot unite for they are but inwardoutward pressures.

Sex opposition is a difference in the pressure condition of things. The male condition is one of compression, the female is one of expansion. The sexes are thus differently conditioned by the two directions of electric pressures, in accord with the two opposite desires of the Creator. The difference of conditioning makes basically similar substances appear to be different things and different substances. All things are sex divided. When, therefore, any two opposed and unbalanced sex halves of one conditioned thing balance their opposed conditioning through motion, they appear to become another thing or substance. This appearance is a deception of the senses for they do not become another thing. They become voided and another thing, from which both are extended, appears in their place. In chemistry you call these pairs stable elements, such as the salts.

Water, for another example, is a voidance of oxygen and hydrogen, for there is nooxygen or hydrogen in water. For there is actually no hydrogen or oxygen in water. Nor do oxygen and hydrogen become water. Water is the result of the voidance of two unbalanced and opposed conditions caused by equalizing opposed pressures at static equators; see Fig. 3. 

Figure 3: Geometry of the water entity

From the above picture it is clear that the chemical formula for water is H12O6 – no wonder that water is life carrier. Even more, we can easily understand now the water hexagonal structure, which Dr. Emoto has discovered, by adding the above picture to the water hexagonal crystal; see Fig. 4.
Figure 3: This figure explains water hexagonal structure better than any words 

The above picture explains better than any words why balanced water crystalizes in hexagonal structure. With that we can through out of window all scientific explanations with clusters as invalid.

Consider the static condition of the calm ocean. A storm transforms that surface into a dynamic condition. Waves which spring from the static ocean surface toward crests and troughs do NOT unite to reproduce another wave; they withdraw into the ocean surface. They disappear entirely and then reappear from it in reverse to repeat the next wave. 

Absolute voidance of one condition must take place before repetition can follow. Herein, further, lies the total secret of the workings of the universe.

To say that opposites attract each other is equivalent to saying that north attracts south, that inward attracts outward, that wetness attracts dryness, or that darkness attracts incandescence. 

Water, for example, is a compressed condition. When water vaporizes it expands into its own opposite condition. It then seeks rest in clouds of like condition. When it thus finds rest in a balanced condition, its motion ceases and its opposition also ceases.

Another effect of motion which has misled the senses into believing that opposites attract is that hot air is said to rise toward cold and cold air todescend toward heat. That is not what is happening, for like seeks like. Cooling air is expanding and rising toward cold, and heating air is contracting and falling toward heat

Negative oxygen bubbles gather at the positive pole of a charging electric battery and positive hydrogen bubbles gather at the negative pole. What is actually happening is that the positive pole is taking the positive condition out of the water, leaving the negative oxygen as residue. The negative pole is, likewise, taking the negative condition out of the water, leaving the positive hydrogen as residue. Again like seeks like.

The outstanding demonstration of the principle of like conditions seeking like is in the elements of matter. If opposites attracted opposites according to present concepts, it would be impossible to gather together one ounce of the same elements. All elements seek their kind. In any chemical decomposition of compounded mixtures, each element seeks and finds similarly conditioned elementspreferentially "identical".

When water disappears beyond the senses as water vapor and gases, you know they will reappear as water when they have completed their cyclic journey. As Man knows the Light in him he will as surely know that he will return for aeons to complete the purpose of manifesting his Creator as one part of the Whole Idea. That purpose cannot be completed in one life cycle, nor in ten times ten million life cycles. Man has but begun to express the Man-Idea on your planet. He still has a long way to go, and the body he needs in which to manifest will return to him as surely as the light of day reappears from the darkness of night into which it has disappeared.

4. Seeds of Creation 

The Creator scatters his seeds of light throughout all space to father and mother allborning imaged forms of His imagining. In the still center of suns is all idea forborning into the images of God Aton's imagining, but in the oneness of the light of suns they are without form and void. All seeds are without form and void even though the pattern of all idea is in them.

The oneness of incandescent suns must be divided and extended to cooling earthsbefore the ideas of the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms can sequentiallyunfold to prepare the way for Man's unfolding from his seed in the sun. 

All expression of idea of earth is likewise in the sun and must be extended to earth for manifestation. Mountains and oceans are in the sun but also all things else, the crying sound of a newborn babe, the roar of an avalanche or the street noises of a city. All of these are light, and such expressions of the Light are possible only through division and extensions of the One Light into the two which manifest as ONE. 

Millions of years ago your planet became sufficiently far from the sun for the water idea to be expressed as pairs of opposites and organic life appeared upon the earth in lowly forms. These forms gradually complexed until the Man-Idea began to be expressed, not by a germ, but by the polarization of light itself, as manifested in the interchanging heartbeat of the father-mother light of the universe.

The ideas of all things is omnipresent in the One still Light. The expression of all idea is extended to the two lights of white suns and black space surrounding suns which manifest the Creator's two desires.

A hot iron at one end of a room a block of ice at the other end will cause an electrical current to flow both ways, until the iron, the ice and room are all equal in temperature. That same thing will happen if you put two hot irons at opposite end of a room. Warm water rising to cold space creates an electric current, but that does not mean that there is one kind of electricity to make it rise, and another to make it fall. One might as reasonably say that there are two kinds of water, the kind which rises and the kind which falls.

5. Cubes/Spheres 

God Aton's Magnetic cube is three, multiplied by three. Its planes of zero curvature are nine, and its boundary angles are the eight corners and the centering one of the fulcrum Source. Cube wave-fields are the eight mirrors of Magnetic Light which project dimensioned and conditioned forms to all the universe from one wave-field to another throughout all Creation. Divided light opposes its division. Opposed pressures arise from resistance to this division. Curvature arise from resistance to two-way opposed motion. Resistance is gentle at cathode beginnings but multiplies its resistance with cyclonic fury at anode endings. Here is where gravity collisions of sex unions borns whirling, incandescent carbon, silicon or suns, according to the measure of Mind-desire exerted electrically as anode points. 
Figure 4: The Cube - The Sphere

With the Magnetic cube of zero curvature a universe of opposed curved-pressures is born. Each curved pressure within it is a lens to multiply or divide, heat or freeze, compress or expand, solidify or vaporize all pressures of motion which pass through its concavity or convexity. In this manner God Aton's curved universe of curved directions and curved cellular forms appear upon His cosmic screen for an interval to simulate the many and the complex, and then disappear into His Oneness to rest for an interval between thought-pulsation frequencies. Thus the cube, which is the Oneness of all form, is imaged as the sphere in God Aton's imaged universe. The cube and the sphere are one. The sphere is an incandescent cube, and the cube is a frozen sphere. The planes of the cube are nine, and their projections into the spectrum of the incandescent sphere are nine.

Frozen incandescent spheres of carbon become cubes. They image the cube of their cold wave-field. Their wave position is the only one of undivided balance in the wave, and all other positions are unbalanced because of their separateness, but balanced with an equally unbalanced mate. That is also why the very many moving particles in octave waves exhibit different qualities and transient changing forms to which man gives so many names, not knowing that one which he names this becomes that almost timelessly. That is why heating, moving forms are curved and cellular, while cold ones lose their curvature and reflect the planes of zero curvature of their cube Source in space. Water drops are cellular when warmed above their freezing points, but below that point they become hexagonal crystals to reflect their positions in their cube wave. Vast complexities of crystal forms thus arise from balanced and unbalanced matings, and from separateness as well, such as the distorted cubes of copper or sodium iodide, or the octahedrons and dodecahedrons of more dense elements farther removed from wave amplitudes.

The invisible universe is based upon the cube in relation to its control of motion. The stillness of gravity, therefore, when its points are extended to appear as a shaft, is always at an angle of ninety degrees from its electric thought-ring extensions. Never anywhere in Nature does any electric effect reach over to another center than its own. The three inner intersecting planes of the cube will not allow of such a crossing. If you examine the cleavages of a cube crystal you will not find them radiating from a center. The senses have been too much affected by the symmetry of light radiations from a star, or from the hexagonal radiating arms of a snow crystal, and many similar effects, which the senses too readily accept. It is time that you at least begin to doubt the evidences expressed and accepted of and by your senses in making hasty obvious conclusions for most frequently you will be incorrect in those conclusions. 

All Nature, everywhere, cries out its protest to such an unnatural and impossible condition as the nuclear atom. Nature is cellular and cells are rings in sections. Also, every cell in Nature is a product of the union of four pairs of rings. Nature also cries out its protest against such a concept as that of a cosmic "glue" of some mysterious and mystical nature, which supposedly holds the atom together from within a nucleus. Atoms are held together only by pressure from the outside and sealed from the outside by cold. The inside every atomic mass is a heat generator and heat consumer. Atomic units have cold centers, but combined atomic masses have relatively hot centers, according to their purpose and position. Its cells must be electrically conditioned to maintain that heat, but no matter what the temperature is in any cell it tends to expand it-not hold it together. Instead of being a glue it is an explosive.

6. Creation of Water 

Before returning to the Mind and body relation in Man we must make it clear to you that the chemical elements must be considered in a very different way than Man is considered. All have the first stage of Creation only. They exist as compressed matter before water is created by combination with two of them (hydrogen and oxygen), and air by a combination of another two. The next stage is a combination of these elements with water and air to create the vegetable kingdom. The simplicity of the mineral kingdom is then complexed by the addition of water and air and more "conduits" are arranged in these combinations for the placement within its creations for the zero centers of Mindcontrol. The vegetable kingdom has very little free will choice of decision regarding its welfare or destiny. It has some, however.

Figure 5: Creation of water underground

Next in order of complex combination is the animal kingdom. This third stage includes both mineral and vegetable matter, in combination with water. The animal body is a complex pattern of variously arranged mineral and vegetable life, so must continually be replenished with all three stages of creation as its various parts "die". For this reason very much more space is given to the body for Mindcontrol, and for the creation of very different forms of matter of high conductivity to carry the messages concerned in body "manufacture" and body survival.

Directional messages, such as instinct, have a very different reflex toward matter than those which may be called automatic reflexes, which are very much more keen in animal than in vegetable life. 

The fourth-and last-stage is the human. Man's body is also a combination of all three stages, but Mind-awareness only begins in the human stage. The animal has much intelligence but is not aware of it as a quality within him.

Man, the human, was first controlled by instinct. For millions of years he had no Mind-awareness. He had no creative ability, whatsoever, and not even enough sense of rhythm to desire to beat a drum. The desire of the savage to beat a drum is the first evidence of spiritual unfolding in Man.

Animal and vegetable life are dependent upon the upper few feet of the earth’s crust to live. The soil must have humus, nitrogen, carbonic gas, oxygen and water. These so-called deadly radioactive poisons are preparing the soil for oxygen dependent life to live by causing countless billions of microscopic explosions in the rock formations underground to release water and other necessities for human life and vegetation. That is all GOOD. In their proper place in Nature they are fulfilling their necessary useful purposes. They are vitally necessary where they are. They are of benefit to man when underground or distributed in rocks. It is only when you dig them out from under the ground and condense tons of harmless rock to ounces of deadly free metal, such as uranium piles, that you make the earth uninhabitable for Man. 

Think also of the hundreds of millions of years Nature has to work to decay solid rock and metal planets sufficiently to create enough decayed surface, and an atmosphere, for organic life to become possible. Mercury has no atmosphere nor even a grass blade. Its rock surface is so hot that lead would melt there. Venus is also hot rock but a soil has begun there, and water is now forming in the reclamation process, but only as steam vapor, for the temperature on Venus is higher than boiling point. Your earth has had a soil and atmosphere sufficient for simple forms of life, ever since it reached its seventy or eighty million mile mark from the sun. The radioactive metals made that possible. They belong underground just as dead animal bodies belong underground. Radioactive metals are dead and dying bodies. That is what is not yet known of them. There are twenty-two of them which are killer metals if you take them away from their rock environment underground in Nature and make them a part of Man’s environment above ground.

The radioactive metals are giving out their quick death to the rocks in which they are embedded for the purpose of expanding the rocks in which they are embedded into the soil and water which mothers life. They should not be dug up from the ground to expand human beings into quick death. All things in Nature have their proper placement and use and, thus, should also the “crystals” be left to their proper placement. If you would have a good example of their purpose in life, which is beneficial to humanity, witness the great bare rock mountains of the West which are only a few million years old. Compare them with soilcovered, tree-covered, very much older eastern mountains, such as the Blue Ridge, White Mountains and Catskills where the soil is deep above them and waterfalls and brooks are abundant. 

Water and soil are decayed and dying rock. They are, literally, dead rocks. Out of death in Nature life springs, and when life above ground is dead it gives new life to the death of earth. These are the things which mankind must know. It knows too little about life and death, and how each one interchanges with the other to make death live and make life die. This is so fundamental a part of the process of Nature that you would be very much more interested in her whole processes if you would but give more thought to this one. Take note, for example, that the moment a peach in the dish on your table becomes over ripe you will see fruit flies hovering over it. They were born from it, and other less complex life forms were born from it before that, just as millions of microbes and other primitive life forms are born in your living body, and more complex ones will be born from your dead body. You do not realize that all of your body is not wholly alive all the time. Part of you is always dead or dying, up to your maturity. After that all of them are slowly dying. We will not get into mental control over that process, at this time for I do not want your distraction to take you from the point at issue. 

Have you ever thought that your every inbreath charges you with power to live, and every outbreath is death? That means that you are perpetually living and dying thirty or forty times a minute. More amazing still-if you will but give deep thought to it-is the fact that whatever lives in you is not a poison to you, but whatever of your own body which does not live WILL POISON YOU. You breathe in living oxygen which comes to you from the earth and its foliage. It dies in you and you breathe out a deadly poison known as carbon dioxide. That carbon dioxide is not poison to the ground, however. It is food to the ground. The earth breathes in that food and breathes it out as oxygen, which is poison to the ground, however. Have you given thought to this? Have you ever stopped to think that the very water you drink, the air you breathe, and the food you eat, comes from the dead and decaying body of this planet, and that every living body which dies and is returned to the earth, recharges the earth with renewed life? You probably have never given this a thought. We ask you to do so now, in order that you will more fully understand this next step in your understanding of life, death and immortality, in addition to beginning to know your universe. Just pause for a minute or two and ponder this information

We will clear now the question WHY these radioactive elements will so violently kill when others will not injure you. We will answer the question very explicitly for you but for the present our answer is that they will NOT kill IF LEFT WHERE NATURE PUT THEM to perform the beneficial service intended of them. They are all good in their place, in fact they help to create the very water you drink and make humus for the soil, which give you food. God Aton’s whole plan is good. When Man upsets that plan he makes for himself that which he calls “bad”

We have stated before that all of the elements of matter are frozen flame. The generoactive compressive force of Nature quite easily freezes low potential explosions. You think of water freezing at 32 degrees F, or 0 degrees C. But, dear ones, that is not the freezing point of that which is NOT water. Please note, for instance, that the highest melting point of all the elements known is 3,600 degrees centigrade. That is pretty hot for freezing. Do you see that your old saying of “ will be a frozen day in Hell before....” You see, it can be frozen in hell at 3,599.9 degrees centigrade.

Water, oxygen, humus and the necessary carbohydrates of life are created by the exploding metallic bullets of the dying elements as they assist dense elements to die, but if they also project their death into less dense bodies, such as animal tissues, those lesser solids and the gases of their atmosphere will again be assisted in their desire to expand, which is inherent in all matter.

7. Crystallization 

Now we come to a vitally important fact. The cube of six flat faces ALONE can crystallize in the forms of the cube and its intersections. They represent the static universe. Conical surfaces cannot crystallize in their forms because they represent the transient, curved, ever changing universe of motion. 

Figure 6: This diagram illustrates the manner in which the cube controls the curved universe of motion from its static condition. Within its tetrahedrons, its spirals revolve as cones as in two of them while in the central four, the spirals revolve within one plane to create the gravity fields which are known as magnetic fields

We will now consider another phase of universal mathematics for which we print Figs. 7 and 8. We have placed these on opposite pages where you can compare each with the other. In mathematics, we have what are known as three dimensions. (We will not yet deal with fourth dimension equations for you must make workable objects within this three dimensional experience-the fourth will then take care of itself, as you will see, for the fourth only relieves the confusion of wear and operation "compression". Further, we don't need expertise in the fourth dimension expression for we already have the operational technology).

These three represent the tonal pressures of the octaves. The octaves of the elements begin with a zero group which is known as the inert gases. The first dimension represents that pressure tone which is represented in the carbon octave, lithium and fluorine, the first equally divided mate pair. The second dimension represents the second equally divided pair which is known as beryllium and oxygen. The third dimension is represented by boron and nitrogen, the third equally divided mate pair of this sex-divided universe of motion.

Now we come to an unknown fact of Nature which gives a fourth dimension and which must be considered herein, and that is represented in its octave as carbon and on the bar magnet as the end poles. Carbon is NOT a pair as the others are. It is a union OF ALL THE OTHER PAIRS MELDED INTO ONE. Carbon and its prototypes are at the wave amplitudes. In carbon are all of the colors of the spectrum united as ONE and the entire nine lens-producing spectrum of both curvatures, convex and concave. This entire octave and the other eight octaves add up to but one meaning and the meaning is universal ONENESS OF THE ONE THINGLIGHT. That includes the ONE BROTHERHOOD of man, all the species and all things else. It means that there are no two separate or separable things in all the universe, and it also means that LOVE is the basis of Creation, which leads us to the door of the CREATOR for God is LIGHT and also LOVE.

There is one other fact about crystallization that has never been understood. That fact is that as the octaves progress from the carbon octave-which has no hole in it as the previous octaves have in which densities multiply from the inside-out, whereas the octaves which have closed their holes increase their densities from the outside-in, which means from outward toward their centers within-they complex their crystal forms. The cube form of the carbon octave complexes to hexagonal, and each succeeding octave complexes still more, to octahedral and so on, until the complexity increases so much that in the niton inert gas it has no reflecting mirrors to multiply light-power inward. It still compresses but becomes so weak that the explosive power intensifies to incandescence. There it explodes to the speed of light which is 186,400 miles per second. All visible incandescent light, back to the fourth octave, reaches that speed of light also. That is because the fourth octave is the first of the nine to have closed its hole. From there on, all amplitude elements of succeeding octaves, which have no holes in them, multiply their speed to 186,400 miles per second. From wave amplitudes, invisible light flows backward to the first octave through its inert gases.

Figure 7: All demnsions are based upon tonal relations in octave wave fields
Figure 8: All forms of all bodies are based uopn the cubesphere and its intersections

Figure 9: This diagram represents the radar intercommunication system of Nature. Its purpose is to tell everything in the universe what is happening everywhere else in the universe. There is nothing more powerful to demonstrate UNIVERSAL ONENESS than this diagram of the intercommunication system of Nature.
Figure 10: The Walter Russell Chart of the Elements of Matter

Let us study Fig.10 with this idea in view. First take note that carbon is the pivotal center of the nine octaves and is in the anode position. It is the first of the wave amplitudes to have closed its hole and reversed its direction of compression from outward to inward. Its balanced position makes it possible to be encircled with the true matehood of geometric symmetry.

The succeeding amplitude positions lose that simplicity. Silicon, the next one on its wave amplitude, complexes to hexagonal symmetry. Then come cobalt, rhodium and lutetium which still further complex until the plutoniumneptunium ninth octave makes any form of crystal formation impossible by the multiplication of heat so that the entire octave explodes and gives back to its very roots all that which was given to it. But, like the tree which burned or died when it had matured, another tree or group of trees will sprout from those very roots.

Carbon is the first amplitude element which has acquired sufficient strength to extend "children" from itself. Its completed spectrum, divided by a uniting equator, places it in the father-mother position, both of whom as divided pairs have united in balance to produce children such as our Earth, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn and the outer planets. All of these planets and their moons are children of our sun. It has been but a few hundred million years since human life became existent on our earth. Venus will be the next planet to become ready for human life like this earth 

8. God Aton creates only two things: Water and Fire 

All created things have sufficient knowledge or instinct for their survival as idea. Animals can reason to some extent. Instinct fulfills the balance of their necessities. Vegetable life has its own way of protecting its body from being destroyed by its ability to grow. Although it has no means of protecting itself from destruction by defending itself as animals do with their claws and teeth, and as man does with his armaments, it knows how to become strong by resisting winds and refolding itself in winter weather to again unfold by the warmth of God Aton's light. Mineral life has no such protection but to freeze itself in the light which created it and again melt through the heat of that very same light.

It will surprise the deepest thinker and knower among men to be told that God Aton creates only two things, WATER AND FIRE. Just as two curvatures have been created as the only tools for creating the universe so, also, have only these two substances been created. Cold wetness and hot dryness constitute the bodies of all created substances we call "matter". Cold wetness surrounds our suns and prevents them from disappearing by the heat of their own fires even though millions of miles of cold space are needed to stop them from self-destruction. "Magnetic" storms sometimes cause the great fires which leap a hundred thousand miles or more into the cold wetness. In addition, the tremendous outward thrust of the solar corona itself increases the intensity of the sun's rays for millions of miles out into space, thereby affecting your earth's temperature and weather even though you are ninety million miles away from the sun.

Many times, huge suns conquer that cold wetness for a period and break away from their spherical forms by shooting great fires far out into space in almost successful attempts to escape. These near-to-exploding suns are known as novas, of which we see many in the heavens. The Crab nova is a conspicuous one. We herewith print a familiar picture of it. See Fig. 6.

Figure 11: Crab nebula

The astronauts, John Glenn and Scott Carpenter, made an important notation while far out into cold space (at least this is the way the story goes). Glenn said he saw specks of light in front of his window. This proved that there was sufficient atmosphere way out in space for the compression of his fast moving capsule to heat to incandescence even though its temperature for such low potential need not be high. This portion of the story is absolutely true.

Carpenter also saw these particles even at a lower potential, but enough to give them body form. He reported that those he saw were SNOW. That report substantiates pretty well, our statement that one of the two things which God Aton created is WATER. We need not prove that the other is FIRE, for FIRE is the CONSUMER of ALL THINGS.

A scientist, or group of scientists, of the Central Scientific Company, of Chicago, has given a great advancement to science through the magnification of the atom some 2,700,000 times, thereby bringing it within range of the eye to see. (Fig. 7) The instrument is called the Cenco-Muller Field Ion Microscope--the element, tungsten. This makes it possible to look directly at God Aton and thereby prove that there is naught but LIGHT in all the universe. That Light, which God Aton is, is invisible and inert when cold. It becomes visible only when being compressed by motion-in other more simplistic terms- God Aton in action! This discovery makes it possible for all electronic workers in the field of computers to be more exact and for radar engineers to vastly improve their instruments. It will also greatly aid science in the field of transmutation. You see, you ones wish to stick with Priore and Rife when the advancement is so much beyond those simple microscopes and frequency boxes. These ones made great leaps and bounds into science but they did not find the "TRUTH" of it and therefore the "boxes" cannot work to perfection but only through the centering KNOWING WITHIN MIND OF CAPABILITY. Yes, they served and served well and were onto the correct assumptions, however, let it be known that what happens that viruses are killed in the electron microscopes is due to the principle laid forth above. Viruses are but crystalline substance and therefore if one portion of the whole is changed (too much fever) you have changed the entity-not necessarily "killed" it. 'THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS DEATH-REMEMBER? 

Figure 12: Photomicrograph of a pure tungsten crystal magnified 2.700.000 times, which was made by CencoMuller Ion Filed Microscope. The hexagonal form of water crystals is clearly shown in this picture

This knowledge is of incalculable value in proving the division of the spectrum and thereby the equality of all pairs of opposites and the statement we have continually made that fire and water are the only products of creation, for flame becomes visible when compressed and invisible when expanded into cold. Between these two equally interchanging lights of rest and motion lies the life principle of creation.

These scientists are worthy of great recognition as are ones who have taken this even further-but these were the first really successful in their attempt. Let us look more carefully at the photograph of the atom. Study it with us:

1) Observe that the complete atom is hexagonal. 
2) The outside hexagons are very large and all other hexagons become repeatedly smaller. 
3) Observe that each atom, no matter how small, is surrounded by ripples which prove that they are water and, as we have stated before, nothing other than water and fire were ever created. We also stated that fire destroyed everything that was ever created and returned it back to its original static cold zero for repetition. 
4) Let us further consider the incredibly and inconceivably small particle called the "atom" in the light of the seed. This means that the seed is a living thing for it begins to pulse. All living things pulse, which means that they are breathing in and out. 
5) Pulsing seeds grow larger and larger. As they grow larger, they beget larger bodies of fathers and mothers. 
6) It is an interesting fact of Nature that the father germ seed must be injected into the mother to produce pulsing life by motion

All of the growth of the universe is finally returned by aeons of accumulated heat through the growth process of this curved universe, as outlined above, which repeats itself over and over again, for God Aton will never cease to think.

If you will but meditate upon this subject long enough to completely comprehend it, you will have gone far into your own understanding of what inner vision or Cosmic thinking means. This will help you attain the power that inner vision gives you in the command of yourself and of matterand you who are awaiting service in the field of new technology as utilized by Cosmic brothers-harken, for here is that which you await. 

Water is continuously returning to fire and that process is again repeated by fire turning to water. Even the astronaut, John Glenn, saw this happening in an orbit of zero curvature where the atmosphere was presumed to be a void. In one moment he saw snow appear which turned to fire before his eyes and then the flame instantly disappeared and turned again to snow. We have mentioned this fact before but, as an example of the natural processes of Nature, it is worthwhile repeating.

9. Dodeca Water

Our civilization has entered on August 17th, 1987 the new cycle when the new era of peace, freedom and consciousness has begun, not at 2000 as people believe. On September 18th 2007 on our planet the new energy of love has been established – it is the new conscious energy with which we can change everything by letting energy to serve us instead of us serving energy as it was the case till that date. This new Cosmic era is era of truth and knowledge – no lie will be left unrevealed. This was the new beginning.

The new Dodeca energy is in water. All waters on our planet are altered into Dodeca waters – they are no more Icosahedron waters. This is an amazing concept: each person is allowed to perceive Dodeca water as his own creation - each person can perceive the Dodeca water within his own reality.Some people can perceive Dodeca water as healing water, yet there can be others. Since each person who comes in contact with the water uses his own particular receptive skills and his own creativity, the Dodeca units become his reality.

I do hope that this will cause many ahhhaa effects and meditations about this amazing concept.

10. Conclusions 

Water is life carrier. Water is an entity with its own consciousness which responds to human consciousness. Water is the result of the voidance of two unbalanced and opposed conditions caused by equalizing opposed pressures at static equators. Chemical formula of water is H12O6. Water drops are cellular when warmed above their freezing points, but below that point they become hexagonal crystals to reflect their positions in their cube wave.

Water is created underground by activities of the radioactive elements. 

Only two things have ever be created: water as life carrier and fire as life consumer. 

There is now Dodeca water on our planet so that each person is allowed to perceive Dodeca water as his own creation - each person can perceive the Dodeca water within his own reality.

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🔹 Version from Nikola Tesla's "Magnifying Transmitter"
🔹 The "tension" for "electricity fractionation" to occur is the Earth's Potential Potential. To be precise, it is the tension of the Ether, and the electricity is the dynamic polarization of the Ether.
🔹 During "Electricity segment", the magnetic field collapses several times in short periods of time. That leads the voltage V = Φ/t to reach infinity (V  ) when t  0
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  • Research scholars also call it Tesla's technology called Radiant Energy from Electronic Circuits, Impulse Technology.
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  1. Scott Anderson, June 19, 2009, ed-vs-unstructured-water.html

  1. Dr. Masaru Emoto, “The Answer of Water”, Rome, Ed. Mediterranee, 2004

  1. Ilija Lakicevic, ""Aton" True Cell, Atom and Particle Concept", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), RT20201755, Volume 8 Issue 10, October 2019, 388 - 395

  1. Ilija Lakicevic, "The True Concepts, Laws and Equations of Creation", International Journal of Science

and Research (IJSR), act.php?id=ART20202091, Volume 8 Issue 10, October 2019, 1170 – 1193

  1. Ilija Lakicevic, "The Right Therapy for Radiation Poisoning", International Journal of Science and

Research (IJSR), rid.php?id=SR20309224250, Volume 9 Issue 3, March 2020, 568 – 575

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and Research (IJSR), rid.php?id=SR20409190322, Volume 9 Issue 4, April 2020, 624 – 633

  1. Ilija Lakicevic, "Birth of the Planetary Being", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), rid.php?id=SR20422181950, Volume 9 Issue 4, April 2020, 1148 - 1164

  2. Ilija Lakicevic, "Atom, Electric Current, Gravity, Magnetism, Energy, Mass and Speed of Light are NOT what Science believes and Earth is NOT a Magnet", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), rid.php?id=SR20427191555, Volume 9 Issue 4, April 2020, 1534 – 1543

  3. Ilija Lakicevic, "The True Nature of the Electricity and Secret of Motion, Matter and Inert Gases", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), id.php?id=SR20502204916, Volume 9 Issue 5, May 2020, 239 – 252

Scientists Have Created a Device That Sucks Water Out of Thin Air, Even in the Desert:
💠 If you thought that an air-powered water generator would produce water like a dehumidifier, you'd be wrong. Rainwater is always different from the water generated by a dehumidifier.
💠 The technology that creates rain-like water through the osmosis process suddenly stops.
The solution creates rain-like water right in the pressure chamber; water suddenly appears from space (out of nothing) when the reconciliation of discord occurs.

  Official documentation: 👉 Water Liberty Guide 💧
  • The universe (nature) is also the place to mediate pressure.

  • The water created is clean, safe, structured water that is very beneficial for human memory and mind.

  • The structure of water serves as the primary source of stored information, reflecting the three-dimensional reality, and water also serves as a medium for storing human memories. The Water Liberty Guide creates water as a hard drive, which is highly beneficial for the brain. Memories are not stored in the brain. Consciousness is only present in the water molecule, not in oxygen or hydrogen; Existential memory is embodied in water 💧

  • Related document: Free Electricity and Water Solutions


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