Arthur H. Matthews - Nikola Tesla's Assistant
My friend and mentor was pen friends with Nikola Tesla's last living assistant until Arthur passed away in the 1980's. Arthur sent...
My friend and mentor was pen friends with Nikola Tesla's last living assistant until Arthur passed away in the 1980's.
Arthur sent him this tape recording. My friend memorised and chopped off the last 5 minutes of the recording.
Over our 10 year friendship some of the missing tape recording was disclosed to me.
Some of what Matthews wrote was looked upon as crazy, but the same with Nikola.
The truth is often stranger than fiction!
More on Matthews & Tesla to come!
"To understand properly the first part of the story you will need a map of the province of Quebec, Canada. It was early in Spring that Major Henry Sanford of New York City came to Quebec with a number of friends. One of these friends was Nikola Tesla. Major Sanford owned a large camp in the Quebec woods not far from a place called Lake Edwards. Major Sanford invited me to go with them to his camp. We met in Quebec City at the old Lake Saint John railway station. The Lake Saint John railway at that time operated the railway between Quebec City and Chicoutimi at Lake Saint John. Major Sanford had a private train consisting of two coaches and a baggage car. The baggage car was loaded with electrical equipment. One item of that equipment was a 75 KW generator set. This generator was driven with a gasoline motor due to the fact that Major Sanford’s camp was located at about almost 10 miles from the railway station and the only way to get there was by means of a foot path through the bush and a fortarge on which canoes could carry materials. And of course this meant that everything that we had had to be carried by hand. And then to make this more convenient, most of the heavy materials such as the 75 KW generator had been taken apart and packed in small containers.
We left that morning from Quebec at around 8:00 and I don’t remember exactly what time it was when we arrived at Sanford station but it was around noon I believe. Arriving at Sanford station, the train was placed on a siding and we unloaded the baggage car. And from there I will try to remember all the members in the party as we arrived at Sanford station. Major Sanford and Mrs. Sanford, there was a trained nurse Miss Kidd, and Tesla and myself and twelve Indian guides. The head guide or chief was a man named Gro Louis. The material was divided up amongst us and we all had as much as we could carry. Some of the parcels were very heavy and required two guides to carry them. There was no particular rush for we could go as slow or as fast as we pleased, admiring the beautiful woods as we walked along. So finally we arrived at the camp sometime late that evening.
My first job on arriving at the camp was to put the 75 KW generator together. When I completed the power plant we then built an exact model of a Tesla transformer which he had built at Colorado in 1898. I don’t remember the exact date but I believe this was in 1898. This transformer was to transmit power through the earth without using any wires. After the transmitting transformer had been built, we then built three other transformers to receive the power, which would be sent from this big transformer. The first one was located about ten miles away in the bush, the second transformer was located at Lake Saint John near Desbiens and the third transformer was built later on at Tadoussac which was on the river Saint Lawrence.
For the purpose of making any required adjustments Tesla first used the nearby transformer which was about ten miles from the transmitter. Power was then sent to this ten mile away transformer and the power sent was considerable and convinced Major Sanford that the idea was practical. After proving to Major Sanford that his wireless power idea was workable, Tesla then turned his attention to some new things.
The first thing was radar and the war preventing idea. The radar was in fact part of this war preventor. It was the guide. TV was demonstrated and a voice operated typewriter and other things, which I will mention later on. Tesla had offered his idea of radar to the American government but whoever it was who investigated the idea did not think it was practical and so it was turned down.
One of the showpieces of Sanford was a gold wire aerial. This was used to receive short wave programs. This gold wire aerial was actually constructed by the Indian. I showed him how to do it and it was placed on top of two tall trees, which were about sixty-five feet apart. It was a gold plated aerial as I said. A cage type aerial which was used on the battleships at that time with twelve wires separated in the middle by a ring twelve inches in diameter tapering down to each end to two inches. At Sanford I constructed a number of short wave receivers which the major presented to some friends and the local hospital at Lake Edwards. Dr. Creed was one and he also presented one of the receivers to Gro Louis, the Indian guide. I should say the chief of the Indian guides. Tesla also built a microwave receiver, which were very small indeed.
One of the ideas of Tesla was a metal analyser. This was very useful in finding out what certain pieces of metal were. I first used this at Ottawa in 1969. There was a large lump, chunk of metal had been discovered on the beach near Neuville and this piece of metal weighing something like three thousand pounds was taken to Valcartier Camp where they tried to find out what it was. It was a kind of a mystery and they were not able to find out what it was at Bacarte and then it was shipped to Ottawa to the national research council where they also did everything possible to find out what it was but they were not able to do that. Needless to say they could not be certain of what it was. The story went around that it fell from the sky and it was a part of a spaceship or something or other of that kind but no one could say exactly what it was. And so, in 1969 I was invited to go to Ottawa and test this with the tester, with the Tesla analyser. I had, I still have in fact this invention of Tesla. Well, to shorten the story, I certainly found out what the piece of metal was using the Tesla analyser.
Another wonder, it was a small portable TV machine. This TV machine could see through stone walls. In other words, like a camera, a special kind of camera, you pointed it at a wall and it could see anything on the other side of the wall. It recorded this on a tape of some kind and then you wind it up and you could transmit this picture which had been picked up through a stone wall and send it to a small screen. This screen of Sanford’s was mounted on the wall and it looked like a coloured picture of some kind. I said, in other tapes, ah, oil painting TV because when it was operating that’s exactly what it looked like to me because it was like a picture in a nice frame on the wall and there were no visible wires to it but Tesla had a small box that he was operating from the table and as he operated this it could change these pictures that were seemingly coming from nowhere on this frame of some kind and it looked like, as I say, it looked like an oil painting and I had called it an oil painting TV. He had a camera with him during our trip through the bush and he had pictures recorded of us and the guide carrying parcels walking through the forest and he sent this picture to this oil painting picture and as I say it very much resembled an oil painting because it was in colour. That’s the first I had heard of the TV, and remember, this was in 1932.
Another marvel was a small recording machine, something like our modern tape recorders but it had no moving parts. It had no tape or anything else. It simply recorded and would play back your recording at a push of a button just exactly like our tape recorders but it would record for an hour or so and play back, as I said, what was recorded without the use of tape or any moving parts whatever. There was no motor in it.
Many of these ideas had been conceived by Tesla many years before but he did not have the opportunity to develop them and here at Sanford’s it was a beautiful place, a magnificent place, a beautiful workshop which had been constructed by Major Sanford, well equipped with almost everything you could think of.
Another fearful fantastic idea which Tesla developed with Sanford was his dark idea. This would also prevent wars. But would it? I believe that this could also be used to make war because the equipment could be carried in an air plane and it would float over a city and put it to dark. Not a bit of light anywhere would show. This is, to me, a most fearful idea. You turn on a switch and everything goes dark. There would be no electric lights, no lights in your car, your headlights would not show, if you strike a match it would burn but it would not show any light. No form of light whatever, instantly, the moment the switch is closed. So then Tesla said that if war started and the switch was turned on, the war would not be able to continue because nobody would be able to see. I wonder how it would be? I wonder if it would ever be used? Can you imagine what would happen in a big city, say at noontime, suddenly, not a pick of light anywhere; the sun would suddenly die out. Headlights of cars would not turn on and so it would be a terrible mess. And this apparatus, according to Tesla, could be put to work and control whole nations, either a city, or a village, a town, or the whole nation. All of America, all of Canada, of a press of a button. Is it a good idea? I really don’t know.
Apart from the very big things used all over the world, inventions of Tesla, there are a number of little things. Very important little things. For instance, the ignition system which, I believe, is used in almost every car in the world. It was invented by Tesla many years ago. But certainly all of the cars that I can think of use the same identical ignition system which was invented by Tesla at the beginning of the century and no one has been able to find a better system. The speedometer, which is also used in almost every car in the world, also invented by Tesla. So was the ship’s log. Most ships in the world use the Tesla Log.
The hydro system, that is to say, the method for driving generators to produce electricity from waterfalls, was one of the great inventions of Tesla. The first power plant in the entire world was Niagara Falls, which was built by the Westinghouse Company in 1895. It’s one of the few things, which had Tesla’s name on it up to recent years.
Tesla also developed a number of ideas for helping overcome pain in the human being such as sciatica, rheumatism and all kinds of things like that and he uses a small electrical vibrator.
Another one of his great inventions was the electric car. He built the first one in 1897 and he drove from New York City to Buffalo, New York and it had an average speed of 94 miles an hour. This car, if it was built today, would cost one-cent a mile to operate and it would cost practically nothing for repairs because apart from the mechanical parts, that is to say the wheels and the steering apparatus where they would compose the only moving parts, the engine in this electric car is a small alternating current motor which runs at the tremendous speed of thirty thousand rpm and this is reduced to eighteen hundred by means of a fluid transmission, also the invention of Tesla. The whole electric car is a magnificent piece of work and it could be put in use today and save the public hundreds of billions of dollars now wasted in gasoline and oil and spare parts. I could give a few details about this electric car. You see, it does not use a storage battery. It uses the special primary battery and if you know anything about primary batteries you’ll know that the only part of a primary battery which fails is the negative plate. Any little dry cells you use for your flashlight, for instance, is the zinc which gives way, and when that gives way the battery goes dead. Well now, Tesla invented a completely new kind of primary battery and in this primary battery, if the negative plate wears out, it can be replaced even by a child in a few seconds. And the battery, when installed in this electric car, will run that car five hundred miles before the battery needs to be attended to. And when the battery does need to be attended to it would take you ten minutes to remedy whatever is going on and the spare parts are all in the trunk. You have enough spare parts to keep that battery running twelve months of the year. You do not have to stop at the service station. You could run five hundred miles for instance at seventy five miles per hour, if you were allowed to do it of course, but you could run this car say fifty or sixty miles an hour right across the country and probably not have to stop more than fifteen minutes to attend to the batteries.
Well, some time in the future somebody will no doubt build this Tesla electric car but it will be when we have no more fuel oil or gasoline? I don’t know how long the present oil supply will last. It certainly will not last forever so we will have to have other means of transportation. Would it be by the Tesla electric car?
If you have read my book, The Wall of Light, you will know the first part is the life story of Tesla. This story was written by Tesla himself and you will note in this story that Tesla gives full credit to God for his ability to discover some amazing new ideas in the Bible. As I have mentioned before the microwave comes from the fourth chapter of Revelations. In many places in his work Tesla mentions the fact that he was inspired by Bible study to conceive his amazing ideas. His idea of the alternating current comes from the book of Matthew. In other words from the Trinity. Tesla explains that his microwave, for instance, is not what many others think it is. It is not a wave, it is a dimension. The actual dimension of the beam. Tesla clearly states that his microwave is a beam which grows smaller. But he states that it’s diameter is smaller than the hair of your head.
Another idea of Tesla is a locator. This will help you to find anything underground. It will help you to find metal deposits or liquid deposits such as island water. I wrote a story about this locator many years ago which was published in one of the radio magazines of that time and a man out west read my story and he wrote to me and he said that his father had died suddenly and left his money buried someplace on their three hundred acre farm and did I think that Tesla’s locator would help him to find it? Well I wrote back and told him that sure, if you can build the Tesla locator you certainly would be able to find it if your father put it in a metal box or a metal lined box. Because if it was in a wooden box and the money was in paper then it would be very difficult to find it but if the money was in cache, coins or if it was in a money box then I was fairly sure he would be able to find it. Well, to make the story shorter I sent him a diagram of this locator. This man built the locator and he found the money.
Another marvellous idea of Tesla was what he called the translator. This was not a very large affair either. It was something about the size of a small tape recorder and it had many buttons on it and you pushed one of these buttons to translate a language. In other words the button would be of Japanese for instance, you’d push the Japanese button and it would translate the Japanese into whatever language you wanted such as English, French, Chinese, what not and so on.
Tesla also had a small gadget, which was a speed warner. This was about as big as a pocket wallet and once you were driving the car for instance he would set it and if you went too fast over the speed limit it would yell loudly and tell you if you were going too fast or not. There is no connection to the car whatever. You simply could carry this like a purse in your pocket. You set it for instance at fifty miles per hour and if you went over fifty miles an hour it would yell out.
Also at Sanford’s, Tesla built what he called a gravity motor. This was a tripod of three tall trees, the logs of three tall trees, latched together at the top and in the center of the top part there is a pulley and over this pulley was a rope and you handed this rope that goes down a shaft at the base and a weight on the other end and when the weight was coming down it was turning the shaft and you had free power. Free power, which would last as long as the rock was falling down, turning the shaft. Leonardo de Vinci was said to have built such a power plant. It was absolutely free and very useful but one difficult point was the fact that you had to wind it up.
Many people write to me asking the question where can they find the best books concerning the life of Tesla? I have been answering letters like that for many years, since the early twenties in fact, and I give the same answer to everybody that writes to me. Where can they find information, which is true about Tesla? Well, you can find it in copies of his patents. You can get those patents or copies of the patents in the Washington patent office, Washington D.C., United States of America. Now there are also lectures and articles, which Tesla had published before 1943, in other words before he died. Anything published in recent years might be a little bit altered, I don’t know. I don’t say that the present day publications are altered but if you want all the truth without any guess work get copies of the original papers, lectures, articles, and patents, and his life story which is published in the first part of my book The Wall of Light.
Tesla was a man who minded his own business and wanted other people to mind theirs. He did not like gossip. His private life was his life and it belonged to no one else. He did not interfere with other people’s business and he did not want anyone to interfere with his. Tesla was a down to earth kind of man.
He was a mechanical engineer."
Arthur H Matthews (Nikola Tesla's last apprentice) invention book
Years ago my father found this book in an abandoned house near Quebec city. He gave it to me when I was younger and I completely forgot about it until recently. This book is Arthur H Matthews' notebook or invention book as I like to call it. I have no idea if it has any value or if anyone is even interested at looking at it. Some say Matthews is Nikola Tesla's alleged son although the sites I found relating this information all look like conspiracy websites.
(I also have no idea if I am posting in the right subreddit)
Picture 1, cover The book is named "My notes on" and as you can see it is pretty old. The book itself is pretty damaged but still holds itself.
Picture 2, date When you open it the left page has Matthews name written on it along side with a date and location: Jan 14, 1913. Quebec. Canada.
Picture 3, folded document In the book was this folded piece of paper that probably comes from a journal or magazine. you can see Matthews setting up the "Tesla device" as they say.
Picture 4, Valve box Valve box. Not much information on this page except that we can now assume that Gabe is not the inventor of valve's steam box. ;)
Picture 5, codes and motor The left page shows different materials and their assigned code. you can read that it is to be used for the patent office. The right page shows an electric motor.
Picture 6, music Left page: Electric piano Right page: all I can decipher is "wood tube"
Picture 7, telephone Left page: a new telephone line Right page: looks like another music instrument
Picture 8, another motor Left page: all I can read is _____ for musical _____ Right page: another motor and its components
Picture 9, Meter Right page: a meter of some sort?
Picture 10, no idea, stamp Left page: I have no idea what this is. Right page: There was a stamp stuck there. It is in no good condition so probably not worth anything. Right page: a magnet, candle and something else?
Picture 11, bicycle & music Left page: description of a bicycle Right page: Electric piano or synthesizer
Picture 12, ? and codes Left page: Bottom drawing looks like a light bulb. No idea what is the top part. Right page: Bunch of codes. Wonder if he ever wrote stuff with it.
Picture 13, more codes and light bulb Left page: More codes. Right page: Again looks like a light bulb. I also cannot read what is written on the bottom part of the page.
Picture 14, cat Cat: My cat. Because cats.
2023 edit:
new link for photos:
Tesla est venu souvent au Québec rencontrer Matthews... son fils "spirituel".Tesla et Matthews ont transmis de l'électricité via le sol, au Québec...sans barrage hydroélectrique... ni fil de transmission !!!VIDEO-AUDIO-VOIX DE MATTHEWS-
Ces deux photos proviennent du livre 'Le Mur de Lumière'. Le portrait de Matthews ressemble vraiment à la photo de Tesla. La pose, les vêtements, le visage et l'implantation des cheveux. Arthur nous donnait-il dans son livre l'indice qu'il était le fils de Tesla ?
Selon Arthur Mathews, Tesla a démontré la transmission sans fil d'énergie électrique dans le début des années 1930. L'émetteur a été assemblé au début du printemps à un grand camp dans les bois près du lac Edouard, à environ 10 miles de Sanford, Québec, Canada.
Les membres de l'expédition inclus Nikola Tesla, Arthur Mathews, le major Henry Sanford de New York City (propriétaire du camp) et Mme Stanford, Mme Kidd ("une formation d'infirmière»), et «douze guides indiens" dirigée par Gro Louis . Il a commencé à partir de la ville de Québec à l'ancien lac Saint John (Lac Saint-Jean) de la gare sur "un train privé composé de deux entraîneurs et un fourgon à bagages chargés de matériel électrique...."
''La télé-vision, de vraies images en direct peuvent être envoyées par téléphone...toutes les stations de radio du Canada peuvent commencer à envoyer maintenant des images avec et sur des ondes vocales...Les gens vont acheter un appareil de télévision et ensuite construisent eux-mêmes un envoyeur d'images – en le connectant au câble téléphonique ils envoient les images à leurs amis''.-CITATION D'ARTHUR MATTHEWS dans un journal canadien écrite plusieurs dizaines d'années avant les ordinateurs, internet et Silicon Valley-
M. ARTHUR MATTHEWS Après la mort du très célèbre Nikola Tesla, M.Arthur Henry Matthews, son assistant, s'est retiré au Lac Beauport près de la ville de Québec (photo devant sa maison). Il est décédé en 1987.
M. Arthur Matthews a eu des rapports avec le phénomène extraterrestre pendant des années. Juste avant la prise de cette photo, Richard Glenn ainsi que des membres de son équipe de reportage pour l`émission ésotérisme expérimental ont eu droit à une démonstration étonnante:
Dans une simple boîte de cigares (en bois mince recouvert de papier glacé) il y avait des roches et quelques cristaux. Curieusement, nous pouvions entendre des voix en approchant l'oreille. Sans fils, ni haut-parleur, ni pile, nous entendions distinctement des conversations, sans toutefois en reconnaître la langue. M. Matthews nous a révélé qu'il s'agissait de communications en provenance de Vénus ! ! ! et que cet instrument rudimentaire était le fruit d'informations scientifiques entre lui, Tesla et des extraterrestres.
Pour le croire, il faudrait retrouver cette boîte, mais, malheureusement, ni Mathews, ni sa maison, ni rien de ce qu'il possédait n'est resté. Après sa mort, tout à été détruit. Même sa maison fut rasée au bulldozer! Pourquoi ?
C'est là une manière d'éliminer des faits troublants pour l'establishment qui ne tient qu'à un fil... électrique.
The Wall of Light (1971) de l’anglophone d’origine britannique Arthur H. Matthews, qui résidait au lac Beauport, à 20 km au nord de la ville de Québec. Dans ce livre, il raconte ses contacts répétés avec les « Vénusiens » de 1941 à 1971. Cependant, comme il connaissait Nikola Tesla depuis l’enfance, et qu’il était lui-même ingénieur électrique, Matthews laisse une part considérable à son ami et maître vénéré, reproduisant certains de ses textes, lettres, et confiant de nombreux témoignages personnels.Le texte traduit est précédé d’une étude détaillée de l’oeuvre d’Arthur Matthews — la première qui soit exhaustive — où sont mis en relief les aspects ufologiques, futurologiques et métahistoriques des informations transmises par Matthews. En les mettant en parallèle avec le contexte socio-historique de l’oeuvre de Tesla — « l’inventeur du vingtième siècle », comme Matthews se plaît à le répéter — cette traduction inédite se révèle d’une actualité consternante
EXTRAIT DU LIVRE d'ARTHUR MATTHEWS, traduit pour la première fois en français :
« Retourne sur ta Terre, Arthur, et raconte aux gens les choses que tu as vu et la connaissance que tu as acquise. »
« Mais Frank ! », criai-je d’une voix angoissée, « bien que je doive dire la vérité, peu me croiront. La plupart rejette mes paroles, au mieux ils les considèrent comme une fantaisie utopique ! Beaucoup me traiteront de cinglé (crackpot) ou pire ! ».
Frank me saisit par les épaules et parla fermement :
« N’écoute pas les paroles de l’insensé. Parle pour ceux qui ont suffisamment de sagesse pour comprendre. Si tu en rejoins seulement quelques-uns, tes efforts et tout le ridicule n’auront pas été en vain. »
À paraître fin juin.
This is the technology to exploit the power of Ether electromagnetic transients based on Tesla's technology:
It's Even More Practical Than It Seemed 70 Years Ago…
🔻 And for the first time in human history, ordinary folks can finally power up anything they need with renewable electricity...while investing a fraction of what the inventor ever thought was possible.
💠 Revealed At Last:
👉 Ancient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand

Son of Tesla
by Tray Caladan, aka Doug Yurchey
This article exposes what may be a very large secret within the family of Nikola Tesla. Tesla was never known to have had a child, marry or have had relations. He was too obsessed with his work, so the story goes. Nikola was the classic loner.
The following is evidence that this International and possibly interplanetary Man of Mystery DID father a child. The child grew up, always honoring his father’s name, and toward the end of his life; became pen pals with this writer.
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Arthur Matthews was the last man to have worked hand-to-hand with Nikola Tesla. The master Jedi is said to have given the young apprentice all of his secrets. Matthews was not in the public eye. He lived in a rural area of Lake Beauport, Quebec, Canada. Over the years, curiosity-seekers to government agents have made the trek to Canada to tap Mr. Matthews for information. They would ask, ‘how do you build the Magnifying Transmitter?’ Arthur would always say that the ‘answers are in Tesla’s patents, lectures and articles.’
In the early 1940s, Mr. Matthews co-authored a book WITH TESLA called ‘The Wall of Light’ and was copyrighted in 1971. It is the only known writings of Tesla that was not of a technical nature. The first part was written by Tesla and the second part by Arthur. Tesla writes about boyhood experiences, his feelings, his research and strange life among humans.
Matthews completes ‘The Wall of Light’ (a reference to an impenetrable force field device) with his amazing story that includes visits by extraterrestrials to his property in Canada.
Arthur Matthews wrote, ‘…Tesla had strange ideas. He always thought he came from the planet Venus. He said as much to me, and the crew of a Venus spaceship said in one of their first messages, that a male child was ‘born’ onboard their ship during its trip from Venus to Earth in July, 1856…’ He arrived in Smiljan, near Gospic in Lika Croatia. (This is why he claimed that he was not born).
In ‘The Wall of Light,’ Matthews reported that Venusians landed on his property in Canada and told him Tesla was one of them; from Venus. According to Arthur, Tesla was born on a spaceship at midnight between July 9th and 10th of 1856. The infant was entrusted to a good couple of ‘Earth-parents’ who were not his real parents. Nikola was much later called the ‘Superman of the Industrial Age.’ Tesla’s early life may have been the inspiration for the old Superman story. He certainly was behind the ‘mad scientist’ idea from the first part of the 20th Century.
Tesla communicated with Venusians with his ‘Tesla Scope’ which he built in 1898. Then, with Matthews, he rebuilt it in 1938. They made it smaller and more streamlined. The ‘Scope’ would emit a loud buzzing sound when the Venusians made contact. (There are drawings of it in the book).
Another book on the extraterrestrial origin of Nikola Tesla is ‘The Return of the Dove’ by Margaret Storm. In a chapter entitled ‘The Arthur Matthews Story,’ she wrote:
‘Then, to Arthur Matthews, he (Tesla) gave a design for an interplanetary communications set. He left to Matthews the task of getting the public interested in communicating with the inhabitants of other planets.’
From an interview with Margaret Storm from 1959: ‘There again was a strange… relationship because when…Mr. Tesla first, at the request of Lord Kelvin…went to England…to consult with Lord Kelvin about what they called a wireless at that time, radio. There he met a Mr. Matthews…father and son. Now, Arthur H. Matthews is now I guess a man in his seventies in Canada. Was at that time…just a boy…and his father was an electrical engineer…working with Lord Kelvin. Tesla…took such an interest in this boy…that he taught Arthur everything that he knows…about electrical engineering. Now Arthur Matthews…today…is a professional electrical engineer. But, he has had…no training…’
‘Wireless energy travels through the earth and not through the air as is the general belief,’ A.H. Matthews, local engineer, told the Chronicle Telegraph in commenting on an article which appeared some time ago in this paper concerning the noted inventor, Nikola Tesla. ‘It is surprising in these enlightened times to see people who should know better still hanging onto the Hertz-wave theory of wireless,’ said Mr. Matthews…
Mr. Matthews has been experimenting for the past 30 years with the Tesla wireless theory and has failed to find any flaws in it. In 1906, he built a machine from Tesla’s 1893 patent and was successful in transporting power from the cellar of his home on St. Joavhim Street to the Cove Fields. He was able to transmit sufficient power to light lamps on the Cove Fields and used only the earth and no aerials. Later he was able to transmit power to the Laval Hills.
’The mere fact of erecting an aerial,’ Mr. Matthews explained, ‘does not prove that energy comes through the air. The energy is already in the earth, waiting for something to move it,’ he continued and went on to state: ‘Electricity – high or low frequency, is always present…the earth being a vastly superior conductor…’ — Chronicle Telegraph
The following quote by Arthur Matthews from a Canadian newspaper was written many decades before PCs, the Internet and Silicon Valley:
‘TV, real live pictures can be sent over the phone…Every radio station in Canada can start sending pictures with and on their voice waves right now…Fellow tax-payers go out and buy a TV set and then build yourself a picture-sender – hook it up to the telephone wire and send pictures to your friends.’
– – –
This writer is extremely honored to have been pen pals with Arthur for a few years until his death in 1986. His book, printed by Health Research, contained his address and I wrote to him. I was shocked for the man to have written back in the form of scribbled lines on index cards. We spoke on the phone once. There were even plans for me to visit him in Canada, but that never occurred. Arthur had a different perspective on Tesla than more than 95% of all other publications concerning the super-genius.
The general books and articles published on Nikola Tesla leave out his alien heritage and most of the extraordinary accomplishments by the man…who was not one of us. Matthews explained that the books, even in praise and high tribute, were written from other books and do not contain the whole story. Matthews was closely associated with Tesla all of his life.
Here are two of Arthur’s letters on index cards that I cherish dearly. He speaks Tesla-blasphemy according to common knowledge. Yet, Arthur knew him and is writing the plain truth…
July 5, 1980,
Dear Mr. Yurchey,
‘Thank you for your very welcome letter and interesting information. Thank you for kind remarks about Tesla. A lot of persons have wrote about him, but have used information of others. If you intend to do a true book about Tesla – the only place to obtain true information is from the patents – lectures, articles and his own life story – and the only place to find his life story is in ‘The Wall of Light.’ Tesla was never a dreamer…he was a real man. He believed in God – and the Bible. He married in 1890 – he had a son. And he died a very rich man.’
Arthur Matthews
March 2, 1983
Dear Doug,
‘The chapter from your book came this afternoon. I have spent some time reading them and I find them good reading. Very good in fact. But before you send it to be published…be sure of your facts. Study the remarks of Tesla in his own life story before you publish the remarks on Mr. Morgan – for he and Tesla were always friends. Morgan did not remove his support and faith in Tesla. They were firm friends. Tesla had loads of money. He was never poor. He died a rich man.
It was Tesla who removed the tower on Long Island, not the U.S. government. He was not told to remove the tower. Tesla removed it at his own loss. Because it was thought it would be used against the U.S. by the Germans. (WWI) By all means do not get information from books. Get true facts from Tesla lectures, articles, patents and his own life story in ‘The Wall of Light’ – This is the only true story.
Yours truly,
PS: Tesla was a wise man. No one cheated him. Some did try. He got a million cash from Westinghouse in 1893 – it was invested. So think it over. Also, Tesla sold all of his patents. He died happy, and rich. Don’t believe writers of old books.’
Let’s examine the notes. There are ‘Tesla experts’ who have not heard such untraditional views on Tesla. They would be outraged. Arthur made the point that most books were written from earlier Tesla books, which misunderstood. He wrote that Tesla ‘married in 1890, he had a son…and he died a very rich man.’ Here is the bombshell since most accounts portray his later life in poverty; feeding pigeons on the streets of New York. They say, ‘he was responsible for so much he did not get credit for, yet Tesla died penniless.’ It makes a good story as we saw at the end of the 1980 Belgium film ‘The Secret of Nikola Tesla,’ which starred Orson Welles as J.P. Morgan. But, it is not true.
After receiving the 1980 letter, I immediately wrote back and asked Arthur, ‘are you Tesla’s son?’ He did not answer me. He completely went around the question…so I dropped it. I felt like I was asking Clark Kent if he was Superman? Did he promise Tesla to never reveal the truth? If Arthur was Tesla’s son, why the secrecy? Why a secret son, set up in a rural area of Canada?
IF it was common knowledge that inventor of the Particle Beam weapon or ‘Death Ray’ had a son, do the words ‘Lindbergh’s baby’ mean anything to you? The boy could have been ransomed for a country’s worth of Death Ray weapons or other such extraordinary methods of destruction. The smart thing would be to live a secret life while always protecting his son’s identity. According to Arthur, even Tesla’s marriage was a covert affair.
J.P. Morgan and Tesla were always friends. Morgan did not remove his funding for the 187-foot NY Wardenclyffe Power Station because of Free Energy that was unprofitable. Tesla was very rich; the Magnetic Transmitter did not depend on Morgan. Tesla changed the purpose of Wardenclyffe from a World radio-broadcast tower to a World Electrical-Power Tower.
Tesla, himself, dismantled his life’s work and ultimate achievement of giving the planet Free Power and all the energy it could ever use! He realized, but was probably SHOWN (through Time), what would occur with the coming of WW1. German scientists could intensify the electro-magnetic pulse of the Transmitter and SPLIT THE EARTH IN TWO! (like a glass shatters at a certain pitch). A device to power global cities could be turned into a Doomsday Weapon! It was ultimate power at the wrong time. People have to be done with War and militaries, completely; before such wonderful technologies can exist.
Well over a hundred years later, we still cannot be on the road to utopia as long as military-governments and secret operations remain in control of our planet.
Both pictures are from ‘The Wall of Light.’ The painting of Matthews is so similar to the photograph of Tesla; the pose; the clothes; the face and widow’s peak. Was Arthur giving us a clue that he was Tesla’s son in his book?
The article you are reading is a new version of a very old article. With some Internet access these days, you can discover others that tell the story of Matthews as Tesla’s son. For me, it was a revelation back in the early 1980s completely due to his personal letters. It is pleasing to have confirmation from others. Now, more people know about Arthur Matthews.
This writer got the rare privilege of speaking to Mr. Matthews on the phone once. I asked him, ‘when will we have Tesla Technology?’ (I had little knowledge then that these guys like Tesla and his kid actually have seen the real future). Sadly, he told me that ‘it will be so far in the future that no one then would even remember or know who Tesla was.’
‘I would like to emphasize that I consider myself of little importance in this story. If my name is known at all, it is due to my long friendship with Nikola Tesla and an intimate knowledge of his great work for mankind.’ — Arthur Matthews
The revelations of Arthur Matthews are extraordinary. Yet, this writer believes in the man with inside information on Tesla; who co-wrote a book with Tesla; who was taught by Tesla. I also believe in the ET or Venusian aspect to Tesla because he was a brilliant source that technologically changed the course of human history!
Obviously, Tesla cared for Arthur Matthews very much. I am honored to have corresponded with his son and to share his unconventional views on Nikola Tesla.
From Matthews, I learned do not believe something because it is repeated in books. From Tesla…I learned that the one individual responsible for creating our modern, industrial age was an extraterrestrial.
A final note…David Bowie played Nikola Tesla in the film ‘The Prestige.’ Bowie played an alien in the film, ‘The Man Who Fell to Earth.’ The old reference has been applied to only one super-genius and his love for humanity; a great gift that fell from the sky; Nikola Tesla.
Copyright 2013 by Tray Caladan, aka Doug Yurchey
PS Son of Tesla?
He tracked down one relative of his and LOOK at the 2 attached photos! (He probably got from the relative).
I only viewed these pix now and then wrote back and thanked him for them.
This is the technology to exploit the power of Ether electromagnetic transients based on Tesla's technology:
It's Even More Practical Than It Seemed 70 Years Ago…
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