Water Gas may have a special molecular structure

Water Fuel Generator - Introducing 2 famous inventions | Free Energy by Water

We reintroduce two famous old inventions about Water Fuel Generators. This is also a type of technology that is listed in the ranks of creating Free Energy.
2 inventions that entered the legend of free energy: Water-powered generator by OHMASA (Japan) and Stan Meyers (USA)

OHMA - Ohmasa vibration technology - MFMPs first look

OHMA - Ohmasa vibration technology

Japan Techno, Inc. is in Ohta, Tokyo, Japan.

The president of the company, Ohmasa, made a fluid stirrer that doesn't use rotation of the blade but uses mechanical vibrations of low frequency instead.

The water circulation has good stability.

If you pour detergent into this water, bubbles don't occur. Why?

Ordinary electrolysis makes O2 and H2 gas.

When President Ohmasa did plating work in this stirrer, neither an explosion nor a bubble appeared.

They say that this low frequency vibration breaks water surface tension, so bubbles can't occur.

President Ohmasa got a hunch. He did electrolysis in this 'water of broken surface tension', then Special Water Gas occurred. This gas is different from ordinary hydrogen and oxygen gas.

This Special Water Gas can occur only in the low frequency vibration water. The Special Water Gas occurs as micro nanobubbles, which gas is completely different from ordinary hydrogen and oxygen. It provides a safe gas for fuel, which is a combination of hydrogen and oxygen, which under normal conditions would want to recombine explosively.

Hydrogen gas is a very small molecule, which leaks from most containers easily. But this Special Water Gas has been in a gas cylinder of a fixed pressure for two years.

President Ohmasa says that the ratio of hydrogen and oxygen is 2:1, but its structure must be special.

Special Water Gas can be used as a fuel for a torch. The temperature is about 700 degrees Celcius, which is a lower temperature compared to other torches. But it can burn through an iron plate.

New uses begin to be born.

Dr. Masanori Ito of the University of Tokyo Kaiyoh has succeeded to run a small engine as of July, 2009. The air intake for this engine was closed. It does not require oxygen (from the air) to burn this Special Water Gas. The exhaust is water vapor.

This Special Water Gas doesn't explode under pressure. It is very stable.

It is possible to make societal infrastructure of Special Water Gas instead of gasoline.

President Ohmasa ran liquefaction tests to ascertain the true character of the gas. Normally, oxygen liquifies at -183ยบ C, and hydrogen liquiefies at -253ยบ C. However, this Special Water Gas liquefies at -178ยบ C.

President Ohmasa says:

"I don't know the certain molecular structure, but we get a second water [type] on the Earth. All internal-combustion engines and generators can  use this water fuel, exhausting water vapor. We want to make the water fuel that saves the Earth."

It's likely, though, that this technology may yet met resistance from the mental blocks that exist.

Water fuel does not produce harmful exhaust. It is a clean source of energy.

Japan Tech Inc. is going to test a bigger four-cycle car engine next month (November, 2009). If it succeeds, a new fuel will be born.

Other similar technology: Converting Water into Gas - Free-Energy Devices

Excerpt --

From: "Academy For Future Science"
From: "Office Masaru Emoto"
Subject: Encouragement of Hado Study

Dear Friends...
At the first day of the "Water and Peace" Global Forum which was held from March 20th to 22nd this year, Mr. Ryushin Omasa, the president of Japan Techno Co, gave a lecture about his technology which extracts alternative energy called Ohmasa gas from water. This alternative energy can be substituted for petroleum energy. He applies specific low frequencies to water and agitated it to chemically dissolve the water. The oxygen and the hydrogen generated a unified oxy-hydrogen in a safe format, and this oxy-hydrogen solution can create fire to weld with and energy to run a motor. They already succeeded in running a motorbike with this Ohmasa gas...

With love and gratitude,

Masaru Emoto
Office Masaru Emoto, LLC

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