"The Ultimate Energizer Guide": Real and Fake

The book "The Ultimate Energizer Guide" has content about Free Energy, it has fake and real. The fake "The Ultimate Energizer Guide" appeared at the top of the search engines, but its content completely deviated from what was summarized on the official website. 

"The Ultimate Energizer Guide": Real and Fake
The Ultimate Energizer Guide review - Real and Fake
Talk about The Ultimate Energizer Guide, free energy and paper money:

Why does "The Ultimate Energizer Guide" need to be faked?
Because it's a tutorial that generates a Free Energy generator (no fuel used)

If free energy equipment were to be included in the education curriculum, the worldwide oil and combustion engine system would collapse.

The "power" of dollar banknotes is based on the strength of oil. Because the money-printers at F-E-D force the oil-resourced countries of the world to convert the value of oil into dollars by investing it back into the Wall Street Stock Market (WSS). They use force to do it with weak countries. The term "Petrodollars" was also formed from treaties with countries with oil resources.

If Free Energy were to be educated in schools around the world, or if it were to be disseminated over the internet on a large scale, then this "dollar" would collapse. The people who are using dollar banknotes to control the world are the people printing dollar bills.

Thus, the control of free energy and the control of global education to suppress free energy, the purpose of which will be reduced to an equivalent purpose (another name): Creating or keeping Upholding a New World Order - associated with fraudulent banknote printing.

Paper money was created to enslave humanity - Michael Tellinger

Our lives are also controlled in many other areas related to the New World Order. So I recommend one more related book for you to read online below.


Although this article is a review for The Ultimate Energizer Guide, and purchasing it is paid. That is not good in a Free world order. But in the world order of paper money that I talked about above, that trade is normal. If I'm not here, I'm in the Free World Order.

I do not recommend buying, nor do I encourage you not to, buy The Ultimate Energizer Guide. But I advise people to spend less, even if everyone has a lot of money. The world has had too much suffering when paper money works hard...

The Ultimate Energizer Guide blog will reveal the truth...

Fake "The Ultimate Energizer Guide" book

There is a new book on Amazon that is gaining a lot of attention called "The Ultimate Energizer Guide." The problem? It's fake.


1. The Ultimate Energizer Guide, It appeared on Amazon and was rated as a scam by buyers!

Pictures for sale The Ultimate Energizer Guide on Amazon:

Link: https://www.amazon.com/Ultimate-Energizer-Guide-Effective-Electricity/dp/1652228403

Next, this is a picture of 2 reviews that claim the Ultimate Energizer Guide is a scam, but contradict each other, and also a demonstration of 3 possibilities that I will talk about later:

The first one says that Ultimate Energizer Guide is not about Free Energy. The second person says that the Ultimate Energizer Guide is just a photo. This is a taboo review on Amazon. Because there's no way the person who posted the book would sell the picture. Reviewers will have their accounts locked, or their reviews will be deleted. However it is still there.

At this point I offer 3 possibilities:

1/ Both reviewers are telling the truth, and the 2nd is figuratively saying that the Ultimate Energizer Guide is actually shoddy or not a free energy book.
Thence inferred:
  • If the Ultimate Energizer Guide on Amazon is real, meaning the content is exactly as the official website says, their comments will one day be judged as good by others, and oppose those comments. This is impossible. Because it's impossible to fight user reviews by comments. (remove this possibility)
  • If the Ultimate Energizer Guide on Amazon is a scam, they are literally and figuratively correct. This is possible! But need to say more

2/ Both people are lying, and Amazon is clearly covering up conflicting reviews, and Amazon accepts this kind of figurative language, smearing the seller. This is not possible. Because it is impossible for two contradictory assessments of the book's form to be accepted. (remove this possibility)

3/ Both of them lied. And add the fact that someone faked the author Michael, the Ultimate Energizer Guide has content that is not what the official website mentions, and Amazon covers up their act of defaming the Ultimate Energizer Guide. This is possible! But need to say more

2. With The Ultimate Energizer Guide, No Author Information.

This is rare with books on Amazon. Author Michael's information is not available on the product page. And moreover, there isn't any information about the author as Michael on Amazon. Is Amazon covering for unauthorized sellers?

If you click on Michael, you won't get any information about the author, and moreover, there isn't any Michael on Amazon. See pictures:

No author info after clicking on Michael

After clicking on Michael to find the author information, no one is Michael

This proves that the seller is showing signs of fraud on Amazon. Anyone who registers as a seller must have complete information. Perhaps this is a rare case where Amazon does not show information about Michael in the search section.

3. The book only sold to one person, but it has 22 reviews

Currently, I took a picture of The Ultimate Energizer Guide's sales page on Amazon, and saw that there was only one order for it, but 22 comments (reviews).

This is an anomaly for the product. Maybe Amazon hasn't updated the number of buyers recently, or that's the structure of the Amazon website.

4. No product description

The official website of Ultimate Energizer Guide has a lot of information. If the author Michael himself is an Amazon add-on, is he so illiterate that he can't even write product descriptions? This is a sign that someone is impersonating Michael to smear the product.

5. Conclusion for the Ultimate Energizer Guide Fake Issue

Logical reasoning in item 1 indicates the following possibilities:
If the Ultimate Energizer Guide on Amazon is a scam, they are literally and figuratively correct. This is possible! But need to say more
Both of them lied. And add the fact that someone faked the author Michael, the Ultimate Energizer Guide has content that is not what the official website mentions, and Amazon covers up their act of defaming the Ultimate Energizer Guide. This is possible! But need to say more
Thus, if combined with items 2, 3, 4 above, you will see that:

The Ultimate Energizer Guide at Amazon is a different book from The Ultimate Energizer Guide at the official website.

It seems that the seller of The Ultimate Energizer Guide at Amazon on Amazon does not intend to make a profit, instead intending to smear the genuine work.

Furthermore, The Ultimate Energizer Guide is a work about free energy, so it could be a work that has been suppressed as has been the work of suppressing Free Energy for many years.

"The Ultimate Energizer Guide" - True (Real)

The Ultimate Energizer Guide contains Nikola Tesla's technology: Radiant energy is harnessed based on Ether's tension setting from electronic circuitry and grounding.

Of course with the Ultimate Energizer Guide there will be a voltage pulse that acts on the tension to generate electricity from the Ether. Ether's urge to tension is called Impulse Technology (the term in Secrets of Cold War Technology)

Tesla's technology has been suppressed for years. Many scientists were paid to smear Tesla on forums in a vile manner.

The Ultimate Energizer Guide at Amazon is fake, intended to discredit Tesla's technology, and suppress free energy. Maybe Amazon was bribed to do this, or someone in the energy corporations wanted to smear Nikola Tesla's Ether technology.

Ultimate Energizer Guide at the official website is True (Real):

Revealed At Last:

🔹 Version from Nikola Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter
🔹 The "tension" for "Electricity segment" to occur is the Earth's Potential Potential. To be precise, it is the tension of the Ether, and the electricity is the dynamic polarization of the Ether.
🔹 During "Electricity segment", the magnetic field collapses several times in short periods of time. That leads the voltage V = Φ/t to reach infinity (V  ) when t  0
  • V - The electromotive force which results from the production or consumption of the total magnetic induction Φ (Phi). The unit is the “Volt”. Where t is the time of magnetic field collapse from maximum to complete collapse.
  • Research scholars also call it Tesla's technology called Radiant Energy from Electronic Circuits, Impulse Technology.
Ultimate Energizer Guide

🔹 There are also many other plans to create free energy generators including Self Powered AC Generator.

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