Over-Unity from 2-Stage Oscillators - Free-Energy Devices


A simple mechanism (Figure 1.) with new mechanical effects, representing the source of energy. The machine has only two main parts: a massive lever and a pendulum. The interaction of the two-stage lever multiplies input energy convenient for useful work (mechanical hammer, press, pump, electric generator...).

Figure 1. Mechanical Hammer with a Pendulum

1 - anvil, 2 - massive lever, 3 - lever axel, 4 - physical pendulum

The best results were achieved with the lever axel and pendulum at the same height, and the base of the massive lever above the centre of mass, as shown in Figure 1.


Energy is created due to the difference in existing devices. Consumers of energy use the difference in the potential between the plus and the minus (direct current) and zero and the phase (alternate current). All heat and thermal motors accomplish useful work due to the higher temperature and pressure. Mills and power plants use different levels of water...

However, difference in the potential of two-stage oscillator, "unusual machine" has not been considered so far.

Figure 2. Difference of the Potential during Oscillation of the Physical Pendulum
1 - weightless state in the upper position
2 - culmination of force during the fall in the lower position

Since there is a difference in potential (Figure 2.) between the weightless state (1) and culmination of force (2) during oscillation of the pendulum, the same is true for centrifugal force, which is zero in upper position, and culminates in the lower position at maximum speed. Physical pendulum is used as a single-stage oscillator in the system with a lever.

After many years of trials, consultations and public appearances, it could be said that this occurrence is being researched and investigated all over the world (author is in possession of evidence). Simplicity enables construction of houses by owners themselves.

Efficiency of the model can be increased by mass, since the relationship between the volume of the lever weight and its surface increases the mass.

Figure 3. Experimental Models

Extreme technical solutions can be tourist attractions even as prototypes.

Previous examples emphasize the importance of synchronized frequency with every model. Oscillations of the physical pendulum have to be maintained with certain speed, otherwise input energy is wasted.

Mechanical hammer (photo & video) and a pump with a pendulum (photo & video) work more efficiently with a shorter pendulum, but with air movement (educational toy - photo & video), longer pendulum works better.

According to the theory of oscillation, oscillatory movements in nature are the most frequent ones, and can be difficult to analyze.

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💠 Revealed At Last:
👉 Ancient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand 


The easiest way is to proclaim something as impossible and refer to laws. However, are all laws of Physics perfect and eternal?

Luckily, and most probably, they are not. Therefore, exceptions of extremely efficient machines are possible (Fig. 1-3.).

In the same way, the speed of light can be deemed unreachable, according to Einstein's formula E=mc2, because the mass would be infinite. However, the mass does not change with speed, and the kinetic energy increases with the square speed. Therefore, the speed of light can be reached by future space crafts, if these ideas are considered.

PHOTO & VIDEO PRESENTATION of two-stage mechanical oscillations research (prototypes and models, the new mechanical effects, experiments...): http://www.veljkomilkovic.com/PrototipiEng.html



Picture 1 --- Public presentation of the hand water pump with a pendulum during the Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad (Serbia), 2003. The invention won a gold medal during the 2002 fair.

New and technically original idea - hand water pump with a pendulum - provides alleviation of work, because it is enough to move the pendulum occasionally with a little finger to pump the water, instead of large swings. Using the minimum of human strength in comparison to present classic hand water pumps enables efficient application in irrigation of smaller lots, for water-wells and extinguishing fires even by old people and children, which was proved by a large number of interested future consumers during the presentations.

Hand water pump with a pendulum is a realisation of a new, original, and even unbelievable, by very simple solution for pumping water. Work is alleviated because easier, long-lasting and effortless use of the hand water pump has been enabled. Input energy for starting the process of pumping, in form of occasional pushing of the pendulum, is much less than with typical hand pumps.

Picture 2 ---Hand water pump with a pendulum for pumping water out from wells or reservoirs consists of a cylinder (1) with a piston (2), lever system (3), a seesaw (4), a pendulum (5), a reservoir (6) and output water pipe (7).

To get the water running out of the pump, the pendulum needs to be out of balance. After that, based on gravitational potential, the piston starts oscillating and the continuous stream of water is coming out of the output pipe. The pendulum should be occasionally pushed, to maintain the amplitude i.e. the stream of water.

The pump works well with all sizes of the pendulum, but mainly with the amplitude of 90°.

The advantage of this invention compared to present hand pump solutions are: less force to start the pump, less water consumption, both arms can be used to fetch the water.

The invention is applicable on other devices that use lever mechanisms, such as a hand press etc.

Picture 3 --- Side view of the pump and the position of the piston, lever and the pendulum during operation of the pump.

It is possible to pump out a 1000 litres of water per hour, without any fatigue and continue with the pumping. Both arms are free for fetching water, and both elderly and children can use it, since maintaining the oscillation of the pendulum does not request any special training or dexterity.

Whereas typical hand pumps require significant effort and an average person can use the pump continuously only for several minutes, the hand water pump needs the minimum of the effort, because it is only necessary to swing the pendulum and maintain the oscillation for several hours, without any fatigue.

All details on the hand water pump with a pendulum and the information can be provided by the author, Veljko Milkovic, who is willing for any form of cooperation with all potential strategic partners and customers for production and application. So far, there was a lot of interest for the application of the hand water pump with a pendulum both in domestic and foreign markets, as well as for further development of the product.

During the last few years, Veljko Milkovic did several measurings, which showed the energetic excess, 12 times larger than the input. That means that two-stage oscillations ( http://www.veljkomilkovic.com/OscilacijeEng.html ) provide around 12 times more than the input.

Measurings were various. Regarding the camshaft mechanism and forces made with piston mechanisms, etc.

Of course, mistakes are possible, whether smaller or bigger. This is not strange in physics. It is also possible to improve devices. The main thing is to determine the correct frequencies as well as relations.

Major improvements are possible, which would compensate possible mistakes during the measuring.

You can also see the description of the research of two-stage mechanical oscillations, as well the prototypes and models with which these measurements were conducted:

Measurements using an oscilloscope have been performed recently. Dynamo flashlights have also been used. One handheld dynamo flashlight was used to push a pendulum in peak position to maintain the oscillation of the pendulum and the other dynamo flashlight was positioned under the lever on the output part of the oscillator.

Measuring was performed and voltage values were acquired for the dynamo flashlight used for maintaining the oscillation of the pendulum and the one pressed by the lever during oscillations:

Dynamo flashight analysis ( 200 KB; PDF --- in English ):

Measurement with an oscilloscope ( 514 KB; PDF): http://www.veljkomilkovic.com/Images/Measurement_with_oscilloscope.pdf

An official measurement was also conducted in cooperation with the Institute for energetics, electronics and telecommunications in Novi Sad (University of Novi Sad, Serbia). The same dynamo flashlight were also used (one was used to push the pendulum in peak position to maintain the oscillation of the pendulum and the other one was positioned above the lever on the output part of the oscillator) and the following values were acquired: ...

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🔹 The "tension" for "electricity fractionation" to occur is the Earth's Potential Potential. To be precise, it is the tension of the Ether, and the electricity is the dynamic polarization of the Ether.
🔹 During "Electricity segment", the magnetic field collapses several times in short periods of time. That leads the voltage V = Φ/t to reach infinity (V  ) when t  0
  • V - The electromotive force which results from the production or consumption of the total magnetic induction Φ (Phi). The unit is the “Volt”. Where t is the time of magnetic field collapse from maximum to complete collapse.
  • Research scholars also call it Tesla's technology called Radiant Energy from Electronic Circuits, Impulse Technology.
Ultimate Energizer Guide

🔹 There are also many other plans to create free energy generators including Self Powered AC Generator.

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